2023: Nigerian youths usually gravitate towards politicians that give them money – SDP’s Adebayo Adewole

Prince Adebayo Adewale, the SDP's 2023 presidential contender, has accused Nigerian youths of gathering money to tweet and march for particular politicians.

He said Nigerians should utilize PVCs to punish previous governments' abuses.

He warned Nigerians not to vote for leaders that can't tackle insecurity, poverty, and other problems.

Adebayo said this during a book presentation in Abuja on Tuesday.

A new political movement won't ensure change if Nigerians don't change first.

He said Nigerian youths choose leaders who offer them money.

"Nigerians are the ones to rebuild Nigeria, but the individuals who ruined Nigeria are trying to heal it again," he said. Fix ourselves first.

"Next year's election isn't because we've learned anything; it's just time. If we use the same matrix as before, we'll get the same outcome.

I agree that Muhammadu Buhari is a catastrophe. I disagree that Goodluck Jonathan become a saint. I don't accept that Umaru Yar'adua was sent by God or that Olusegun Obasanjo was flawless.

"As we sing in our national song, our heroes' previous labors should not go in vain. But what about their injustices?"

Something went wrong with the first republic, so the military intervened. Something went wrong with the army, so the people revolted. Something went wrong with the PDP, so the APC was formed.

"I'll tell Nigerians what I'll tell my mechanic: If you can't repair my vehicle, don't make it worse.

We want justice, but not at a cost.

"If we want to repair Nigeria, we need to make up our minds. I've traveled the nation and seen individuals who want to fix the country and others who want to fix themselves.

"I've seen folks who want to change the nation yet don't want some aspects fixed because they enjoy them. People who wish to repair Nigeria won't admit they're part of the issue.

"Some claim innocence. Youths and women are often innocent in politics nowadays. Every Nigerian kid is unhappy with the nation; everyone is part of the issue.

He said he'll address insecurity, poverty, and other problems if elected.

He said he wants to bring talent to government while criticizing political modernity.

"No money, no vote," he replied.

He stated, "Nobody would argue the political landscape isn't favorable to calling for change, but adolescents gravitate toward politicians who offer them money.

"Most youth gatherings are funded by politicians.

"Youths got me the'sleeper of the year' award for sleeping in my home; am I sleeping for you?

"Tweeters and protesters are compensated. Paid influencers desire change. In Canada, teenagers work and contribute money to politicians, while in Nigeria, police do.

source: dailypost

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